Rare Diseases that give you Superpowers

We feel irritated when are disease grips us after all nobody wants to be a pain or distress right? Let’s take the example of common cold,sneezing and blocked nose can disrupt your life for a few days, ugghh! But ever thought about Chronic diseases that won’t leave you alone after few days? While most of these will make you pity the victim there are certain diseases that look like superheroes, hmm! At least at first sight!
And now, we are going to discuss about 5 such mind blowing diseases. This post is going to be amazing, so don’t go anywhere.



Urbach Wiethe Disease–  is also known as no fear. It’s also a rare disease. This disease affected the brain and led to complete absence of fear. This disease was first discovered in 1929 by Eric Urbach and Camillo Wiethe. After its discovery yet over 400 cases are found. 
The another way to disable the sense of fear. To removal of adrenal glands it’s make person Fearless. This happened because adrenal glands are responsible for the release of adrenaline hormone which responsible for fear, stress and anxiety in our body.

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Hyperthymesia is also known as super memory. Hyperthymesia is a extremely rare disease. People with hyperthymesia can remember almost every little things that happened to them. A person suffering from hyperthymesia can tell exact detail of any random day of his life can tell recite news telecast that he watched years ago, can quote exact lines from a book that he read  long ago. 
But disadvantage of this disease is also. The person suffering from hyperthymesia never forget anything of the past. This meant that bad events that happened to that person is also never forget and  they always suffer from headache. 
Only 61 people in the world are found to suffer from this disease, One of them is Marilu Henner best known for her work on the show taxi.
 The cause of hyperthymesia is still unknown for science.

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Analgesia is also known as no pain. This disease disable the sense of pain. A  person suffering from this disease can’t feel pain. The advantage of this disease is that the person will not feel the pain of any torture are hurting, pain of other things like making tattoos on their body,etc. You seems that it’s a real feature of X-men?
 But some disadvantages of this diseases. Pain is a signal that tells that there are something wrong in our body. If our sense of pain is doesn’t work then we will not get any hint of the damage to the body and this is so dangerous. Without pain they will not be able to understand biting their tongue, internal bleeding,etc. 
One village in Sweden where more than 40 cases of analgesia are found.


Liam Hoekstra

Muscle Hypertrophy Syndrome is also known as super strength. It’s a rare disease. In this disease the body fat reduced and increase muscle size. A person affected by this disease their muscle mass in his body become twice and due to this their muscle strength is increases. 
This disease has been found in a child name Liam Hoekstra. At the age of 3 when he was showing unusual Superhuman strength he perform all the exercises which were impossible for normal child of his age.
 This disease are found one person in every 2 million people.



Savant Syndrome is also known as extremely genius like Tony Stark. You may be well know about this disease if you have watched movies like Rain Man and A beautiful mind where the characters show unusual memory and amazing abilities. This disease is caused by some disorder in the CNS[Central nervous system]. A Savant affected person is extremely talented in music, drawing, Complex calculations, photography and architecture. They are multi talented and can be artist, mathematician and musician at the same time. This disease very rare and approx  50 cases are known till now.
 Some are the Britist architectural artist Stephen Wiltshire, Mathematical genius Jededian Buxton, Scientist Temple Grandin.

Are there any other interesting diseases that can turn into superpowers? Let’s know in the comments…

Thank you for reading.. 😊😊😊

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